Translated resources

Our Network is enriching its public medication safety toolkit with resources in some of the most common languages in Canada besides English and French. Click on the links below to access the toolkit in the following languages.

What is included in the toolkit?

The toolkit includes these 5 resources. To learn more about these different resources, click here.

Brochure: Is it time to review your medications?

Brochure: As we get older, we should be careful with our medications

Brochure: Sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medications


Brochure: How to get a good night's sleep without medication

Powerpoint presentation on medication safety and deprescribing


Other translated resources

We have other translated medication safety resources available in German, Icelandic, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Traditional Chinese. Not finding the resource you are looking for, or interested in helping us to translate resources to other languages? Contact us!