Deprescribing Education

Here are a series of four short and fun whiteboard videos that provide information about deprescribing. The first video provides an overview of deprescribing, while the others focus on opioids, benzodiazepine and proton pump inhibitors respectively. 

Each video runs for approximately 3 minutes and provides information on why you might consider deprescribing, and highlights useful evidence based resources for both prescribers and patients.

We need your help to evaluate how effective the videos are. We have created a series of questions to be answered before and after you watch each whiteboard video. Answers to the questions are provided in each video. 

Watching each video and answering the questions will take about 7 minutes:

  1. Complete the first baseline survey (2 minutes)

  2. Watch the whiteboard video (3 minutes)

  3. Complete the follow up questions (2 minutes)

Your participation in this evaluation is voluntary and your responses will be anonymized before being analyzed. By clicking on the link below, you consent  to be included in the study.

Benzodiazepine and proton pump inhibitor videos

A link to benzodiazepine and proton pump inhibitor videos will be provided after completing these videos.

Questions and contact

Thank you for your time in evaluating the videos. We really appreciate your input!

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please email us: